Wednesday, July 17, 2019


I step into a house
and I do not step into a house.
Everything leads me out,
out, to the trees!
To the meadow flowering!
The breeze breathes
in a room that is living.

I walk across a waterfall,
touching the water
and not touching the water.
I sleep with windows open,
my dreams spread wide
and flying.

The night is still
and not still,
swelling with life
and breath and sleep.
I wake with no curtains
when the sun glows pink
and perfect.

Let me be a house like this,
yes, like this-
a house that is less a house
than a gallery of grace.
Let the doors of my heart
stand open, open, open!
Tell the trees to come in-
tell the waters and winds!

May I not live trapped
inside a world of my invention,
but ever stay close to Your heart
in the castle of creation.

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