Saturday, March 21, 2015

ode to an empty page

Oh empty page,
So beautifully blank,
I do not wish to defile you,
To desecrate your spiral-bound home
With my lowly songs and poems.
Dare I decorate your lines,
Perfectly spaced and robin's-egg blue,
With the simple scrawlings of my hand?
Stainless sheet of white,
I behold you and can think of no words
So perfect that they could improve you.
Your purity is peerless,
And your possibilities without end.
Who am I to take away from
Your infinite potential?

Oh empty page,
You are without flaw,
And I am unworthy to mark you.
But please accept the gift I bring-
I wish to give you a name.
This world is full of empty pages,
And though you are perfect,
You are not unequaled.
Perhaps it would be better
To be flawed and have an identity,
Than to be perfect and a copy,
Indistinguishable from any other page.
What use has endless possibility
If you were never to use it?

Oh empty page,
Let's become something

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